Cross Eyed Cats

The Cross Eyed Cats hail from Fremantle (mainly) and have been playing some Bloody Good Blues for years. Da Cats’ stylings, some say, is reminiscent of a bullfrog sippin’ Kentucky whisky. Character? I should coco! Steadfast in their unwavering commitment to having a Great Time and playing Bloody Good Blues, The Cross Eyed Cats set list includes about half of their own creation, about a third are creative interpretations of old blues standards and about one sixth (do the maths) are fair and square covers of tunes the boys love. They have been playin’ around any number of Perth’s most salubrious venues such as The Duke of George, Ellington’s, Honky Tonk Blues, Hilton Bowlo, the Old Courthouse’s Big Al and Boss’ blues nights, plus making their way into the hills and down through the south west to venues such as The Mundaring Hotel, Froth Brewery with the South West Blues club, the Fire Station in Busselton, Gatsby’s Skyline in Manjimup plus plenty more. Da Cats are always looking for a Bloody Good Bluesy time.